In accordance with our ongoing commitment to Da'wa the IISC is establishing a yearly "One Ummah" conference.
Our goal is to unite the hearts of the Ummah by following the Qur'an and Sunnah of the beloved Last Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)
InshAllah, speakers from all around the world will convene in Calgary to enlighten our community and inspire us to the true calling of Islaam.
By the mercy of Allah we will strive to soften the heart, strengthen the mind and unite our Ummah for one common cause
Our noble prophet (peace and blessings upon him) showed us how to change the world and it all starts with one person.
“Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)” ( 13: 11)
Our goal is to Inspire in order to motivate Change.
1 comment:
The preacher can talk all he wants, for "talk is cheap, but actions speak louder and clear about the preacher"! I'm sure the visiting scholars are real good Moo'mins, mash'Allah! However, what about the "group" organizing this conference? Is this "group" capable of following & practicing, in their everyday life, all that these good scholars have to say, actually wanting to unite the Ummah & and not create "groups" based on pride? Allah warns the "people of the Book" in the Quran "you enjoin good upon others but you fail to do good yourselves"! We shall see if & how this "group" begins to adapt what these scholars teach us! The city of Calgary will see if indeed this "group" actually adapts the most basic manners and courtisy that the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad SalAllahu alaihe wassalam teaches us - which is the most basic step in learning "La iLaha ilAllah"! So, a challange to this "group" is "go ahead, surprise us by yourselves first adapting the teachings of these scholars", insh'Allah! Only then will statement "I changed for the sake of Allah" actually have some meaning, and won’t be just cheap talk!
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